In the last
few years, people became aware of obesity problems and wrong food choices
And started looking for what kind of foods to
avoid and what kind of food to focus on,
So to
simplify that for you we will provide you with this categorized list of foods
This list
puts into consideration the energy density, which is the value of calories
compared to
the bulk, from the lowest to the highest
energy density.
- 1 Very Low level :
Fruits and vegetables, creamy milk, soup, non
fat and sugar yogurt, non fat salad dressing, vinegar, salsa.
This Food energy density is between 0 and 0.6
and this kind of food is the healthiest and you are encouraged to eat whenever
you feel hungry
- 2 Low level :
Fruits and vegetables reach with starch ( such
as banana, potato, corn, turnip, sweet potato ) , whole grains, hot or cold
breakfast cereals, legumes, low fat dishes based on pasta or rice with lots of
vegetables, non fat fruit yogurt, cottage cheese, tofu, tuna, shrimp, turkey,
extra lean ham, olives, avocado, soy beverage.
Just like the very low types, you can eat this
kind of food whenever you feel hungry.
The energy density of this food is between 0.6
and 1.5.
The foods in this two levels are the healthiest
according to nourishment specialists, they are low priced, convenient, and
above all doesn’t represent any kind of danger to the non allergic people (please
note that some of this foods could activate an allergic reaction to some
people, the most famous ones are milk, yogurt, salsa, pasta, cheese, tofu,
tuna, shrimp, and soy, so it’s better to be aware of if you are allergic). As
for the fruits and vegetables, it’s better to eat them directly as they lose
some of their values if you cook them, and better pick low fat and sugar
- 3 Medium level :
poultry, egg, cheese, bagel, muffin, pizza, fries, salad dressing, bread,
pretzels, ice cream, cake.
The energy density of this foods is between 1.5
and 4 which is a bit high, yet some of this foods are needed by the body so you
should eat them but consume them with moderation such as meats and poultry.
Sweet foods are to avoid, minimize the
consumption of sweet foods as much as possible and it’s recommended to eat
fruits instead of ice cream, cake, muffin, bagel, and we can count bread with
them. Pizza and fries are occasional food and should avoid them as much as
possible, and you should moderate the amount you eat when you do.
- 4 High level :
Crackers, chips, croissants, donuts, cereal
bar, peanut butter, bacon, chocolate, biscuits, nuts, butter, oil, margarine
This types of food are the ones with the
highest levels of energy density, with 4 to 9.
Because of this high energy density levels the
consumption of this foods most be limited, if not avoided.