Food related advises to keep a healthy regime

Food related advises to keep a healthy regime

Some people, in order to keep a healthy regime, require a strict program

Well that’s not wrong but, there are some simple steps, if we follow them, we could have our every day routine program, without any hardships

In order to achieve that here are some advises:

1-      Know how to read the nutrition label, first of all, generally under the line Nutritional value, you find this, for XXX mL or XXX g , those lines mean that the values indicated on the label

Are only contained on the amount indicated as (XXX) so you can correctly calculate the real values of the products; and read carefully the numbers.

2-       Prioritize proteins, since it’s an important part of a healthy meal, proteins should represent at least 20% of total calories. And this is some of the foods reach with proteins,

 Nut butter (almond, hazelnut, cashew, etc.), natural peanut butter (no sugar or additives), egg, sea food, fish, legume, lean meat, poultry, soy beverage, Milk, yogurt, cheese, nutritional yeast.

3-      Dietary fiber, as it acts in two ways to reduce appetite and promote calorie control. On one hand, they slow the absorption of sugar in the blood. On the other hand, they swell by absorbing water and thus provide stomach the feeling of being filled.

it is recommended to consume 25 g to 35 g of fiber per day. This can be done easily: 3 fruits, vegetables 4, 5 grain products whole grain. Adding some legumes, nuts and seeds, you'll still further.

Tips to increase its fiber intake

For bakery products (flour, bread, bagels, crackers, etc.), always choose the whole grain version: whole wheat or spelled, but also whole wheat and other grains.

Make yourself its juice and keep some pulp to mix the juice at the end.

Add chopped nuts and seeds (sunflower, sesame, coarsely ground flaxseed, etc.) in yogurts, puddings and homemade muffins.

Add legumes (white or red beans, chickpeas, etc.) to salads and vegetable soups.

4-      Consuming an adequate number of portions of fruit and vegetables, It is important to achieve the recommended portions of fruit and vegetables, because they are low in calories and are filled with antioxidants, fiber and water. A meal with 50% of the tax base is made up of fruits and vegetables is more likely to fill quickly for a lesser amount of calories a plate whose content is low in fruits and vegetables.

Servings recommended for women age 19 to 50 years: 7-8

Servings recommended for men age 19 to 50 years: 8-10

A serving is:

- ½ cup fruit juice without added sugar

- ½ cup vegetable

- 1 fresh fruit or ½ cup of fresh fruit

- 1 cup salad

Food related advises to keep a healthy regime

Food related advises to keep a healthy regime

Food related advises to keep a healthy regime

Some people, in order to keep a healthy regime, require a strict program

Well that’s not wrong but, there are some simple steps, if we follow them, we could have our every day routine program, without any hardships

In order to achieve that here are some advises:

1-      Know how to read the nutrition label, first of all, generally under the line Nutritional value, you find this, for XXX mL or XXX g , those lines mean that the values indicated on the label

Are only contained on the amount indicated as (XXX) so you can correctly calculate the real values of the products; and read carefully the numbers.

2-       Prioritize proteins, since it’s an important part of a healthy meal, proteins should represent at least 20% of total calories. And this is some of the foods reach with proteins,

 Nut butter (almond, hazelnut, cashew, etc.), natural peanut butter (no sugar or additives), egg, sea food, fish, legume, lean meat, poultry, soy beverage, Milk, yogurt, cheese, nutritional yeast.

3-      Dietary fiber, as it acts in two ways to reduce appetite and promote calorie control. On one hand, they slow the absorption of sugar in the blood. On the other hand, they swell by absorbing water and thus provide stomach the feeling of being filled.

it is recommended to consume 25 g to 35 g of fiber per day. This can be done easily: 3 fruits, vegetables 4, 5 grain products whole grain. Adding some legumes, nuts and seeds, you'll still further.

Tips to increase its fiber intake

For bakery products (flour, bread, bagels, crackers, etc.), always choose the whole grain version: whole wheat or spelled, but also whole wheat and other grains.

Make yourself its juice and keep some pulp to mix the juice at the end.

Add chopped nuts and seeds (sunflower, sesame, coarsely ground flaxseed, etc.) in yogurts, puddings and homemade muffins.

Add legumes (white or red beans, chickpeas, etc.) to salads and vegetable soups.

4-      Consuming an adequate number of portions of fruit and vegetables, It is important to achieve the recommended portions of fruit and vegetables, because they are low in calories and are filled with antioxidants, fiber and water. A meal with 50% of the tax base is made up of fruits and vegetables is more likely to fill quickly for a lesser amount of calories a plate whose content is low in fruits and vegetables.

Servings recommended for women age 19 to 50 years: 7-8

Servings recommended for men age 19 to 50 years: 8-10

A serving is:

- ½ cup fruit juice without added sugar

- ½ cup vegetable

- 1 fresh fruit or ½ cup of fresh fruit

- 1 cup salad

Food related advises to keep a healthy regime


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