weight loss rumen

weight loss rumen

Get rid of the rumen has become easy for those who suffer from the emergence of the rumen, whether men or women.

The reasons for the emergence of many rumen but on the whole the appearance of rumen evidence of two things. First, the weakness in the muscles of the stomach and sagging abdominal muscles, allowing the emergence of the rumen, and secondly as a result of the accumulation of fat obesity, which increases the load on the abdominal muscles and the emergence of the rumen.

In order to get rid of the rumen Here are some recipes to help nature to do so.

Types of abdominal obesity:

Abdominal obesity is divided into four types:

Muscular rumen:

The problem occurs in the abdominal muscles is the result of the imbalance in the use of the owner of the apparatus motor consists was used, for example, the muscles of the shoulders and arms only during the work nor his waist moves while sitting on the desk all day or in front of the steering wheel and in this kind extended to the abdominal muscles occurs and increases its size .

Rumen hormone:

It is noted that this form of rumen be winding and looks like orange peel,

And occurs when a disturbed action of hormones in the human body

And it increases the secretion of cortisone impeding the gland distribution above the renal fat on the regions and different parts of the body, leading to increased grease in the abdominal area only and that in men, while for women the fat often accumulates in the lower part of the abdomen, accompanied by obesity in the thighs, buttocks and take these obesity forms is a regular in these parts.

Rumen bloated:

It looks like a balloon paunch, and occurs as a result of human extravagance in eating and drinking heavily and plus the need for the body,

This excessive eating caused by a person with depression or anxiety or nervous tension finds human eating greedily outlet and try to get out of these concerns that caused him to this stress and anxiety, may also occur to humans optimist happy result opens his appetite after discharge of his passions and emotions also Vtgda dealing with large quantities of food and drink even occur to him obesity and thus shows the rumen.

Rumen sagging:

And occurs as a result only use musculorum in the middle of the abdomen. The result is sagging and the appearance of the rumen, and this type also occur as a result of surgical processes in the abdominal area, such as hernia surgical operations that lead to sagging abdomen and relaxation of muscles and her lazy and complacent and therefore can accommodate its size will become more human for food and drink heavily need cause fat and obesity occur, leading to the emergence of a flabby belly with a folds in the skin in the form of layers in some cases.

The best means to treat the rumen and Weight Loss:

- Be sure to eat fresh vegetables such as parsley, celery, cucumbers and lettuce give you a sense of satiety.

- Make sure the low-calorie, such as grapefruit, melons, apples and eating fruits ... Beware of grapes, figs and dates.

- Beware of eating dried fruit such as figs, prunes measured portions high.

- Avoid sitting down and eating in front of the television for long periods .. It pays to eat large amounts of food subconsciously.

- Replace cars and ride the elevator .. walk away and up the stairs.

- Beware to begin the journey to get rid of the rumen relying on diet only, without sports,

- Do not eat fried foods or fries ... and eat a boiled or grilled, the ratio of fat to less than the minimum.

- Beware of eating fat and fatty meats such as brain and liver.

• best recipes to get rid of the rumen:

- Green tea, ginger Green small clip, pomegranate peel Nashef, mint.

- Juice of half a lemon, half teaspoon cumin, ginger Green teaspoon small, mint sheets, put them on two cups of boiling water on the fire and filtered and drink ..

Diet 5 days to remove the rumen

IMPORTANT: on an empty stomach and before each meal and before going to sleep tablespoon natural apple cider vinegar in a glass of water


A cup of coffee, the cup of ginger or cinnamon milk

Then juice cup Islands


Carrot Juice Cup

Then cup cinnamon or ginger without milk

Then cup grapefruit juice, fish, chicken or pork roast, without any amount of salt


Cup of coffee

Then Carrot Juice Cup

With cinnamon Cup

+ Cup yogurt

When you feel hungry: Drink 2 cups cinnamon or ginger large cup.

weight loss rumen

weight loss rumen

Get rid of the rumen has become easy for those who suffer from the emergence of the rumen, whether men or women.

The reasons for the emergence of many rumen but on the whole the appearance of rumen evidence of two things. First, the weakness in the muscles of the stomach and sagging abdominal muscles, allowing the emergence of the rumen, and secondly as a result of the accumulation of fat obesity, which increases the load on the abdominal muscles and the emergence of the rumen.

In order to get rid of the rumen Here are some recipes to help nature to do so.

Types of abdominal obesity:

Abdominal obesity is divided into four types:

Muscular rumen:

The problem occurs in the abdominal muscles is the result of the imbalance in the use of the owner of the apparatus motor consists was used, for example, the muscles of the shoulders and arms only during the work nor his waist moves while sitting on the desk all day or in front of the steering wheel and in this kind extended to the abdominal muscles occurs and increases its size .

Rumen hormone:

It is noted that this form of rumen be winding and looks like orange peel,

And occurs when a disturbed action of hormones in the human body

And it increases the secretion of cortisone impeding the gland distribution above the renal fat on the regions and different parts of the body, leading to increased grease in the abdominal area only and that in men, while for women the fat often accumulates in the lower part of the abdomen, accompanied by obesity in the thighs, buttocks and take these obesity forms is a regular in these parts.

Rumen bloated:

It looks like a balloon paunch, and occurs as a result of human extravagance in eating and drinking heavily and plus the need for the body,

This excessive eating caused by a person with depression or anxiety or nervous tension finds human eating greedily outlet and try to get out of these concerns that caused him to this stress and anxiety, may also occur to humans optimist happy result opens his appetite after discharge of his passions and emotions also Vtgda dealing with large quantities of food and drink even occur to him obesity and thus shows the rumen.

Rumen sagging:

And occurs as a result only use musculorum in the middle of the abdomen. The result is sagging and the appearance of the rumen, and this type also occur as a result of surgical processes in the abdominal area, such as hernia surgical operations that lead to sagging abdomen and relaxation of muscles and her lazy and complacent and therefore can accommodate its size will become more human for food and drink heavily need cause fat and obesity occur, leading to the emergence of a flabby belly with a folds in the skin in the form of layers in some cases.

The best means to treat the rumen and Weight Loss:

- Be sure to eat fresh vegetables such as parsley, celery, cucumbers and lettuce give you a sense of satiety.

- Make sure the low-calorie, such as grapefruit, melons, apples and eating fruits ... Beware of grapes, figs and dates.

- Beware of eating dried fruit such as figs, prunes measured portions high.

- Avoid sitting down and eating in front of the television for long periods .. It pays to eat large amounts of food subconsciously.

- Replace cars and ride the elevator .. walk away and up the stairs.

- Beware to begin the journey to get rid of the rumen relying on diet only, without sports,

- Do not eat fried foods or fries ... and eat a boiled or grilled, the ratio of fat to less than the minimum.

- Beware of eating fat and fatty meats such as brain and liver.

• best recipes to get rid of the rumen:

- Green tea, ginger Green small clip, pomegranate peel Nashef, mint.

- Juice of half a lemon, half teaspoon cumin, ginger Green teaspoon small, mint sheets, put them on two cups of boiling water on the fire and filtered and drink ..

Diet 5 days to remove the rumen

IMPORTANT: on an empty stomach and before each meal and before going to sleep tablespoon natural apple cider vinegar in a glass of water


A cup of coffee, the cup of ginger or cinnamon milk

Then juice cup Islands


Carrot Juice Cup

Then cup cinnamon or ginger without milk

Then cup grapefruit juice, fish, chicken or pork roast, without any amount of salt


Cup of coffee

Then Carrot Juice Cup

With cinnamon Cup

+ Cup yogurt

When you feel hungry: Drink 2 cups cinnamon or ginger large cup.

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