Diet tuna, loss of 7 kg per week
Varied diets and multiple colors, but the search for a
permanent food diets and diet systems to be effective in weight loss.
We brought you the day tuna diet, because they contain
nutrients (Omega 3), The benefits of eating fish in the diet systems, and works
on getting quick results in weight loss.
It is possible to deal with grilled tuna or marinated with a
little olive oil in the oven, or canned and is eaten without oil.
Diet tuna can bring you in weight loss equivalent to 7
kilograms per week.
First: Breakfast:
Boiled egg.
Half a loaf of brown
A piece of white low-fat cheese without salt
Second: lunch:
Tray of tuna oil refinery.
A large platter of power.
Third: dinner:
A cup of yogurt and yogurt with the option.
Tips for a successful diet
This prevents in diet soft drinks, tea or coffee or other
drinks that contain caffeine.
The need to drink two liters of water a day.
Be sure this diet is very helpful