how to lose weight fast for men
Diet latency to melt the fat in the fastest time
The latency to promote digestion process, handles the body
of constipation, And it works on the absorption of nutrients well, and prevents
fat storage, Leading to burn fat at a rapid rate, Also it does not lead to
leakage of fat to the abdomen and one of its features is that it does not cause
side effects in common, So it can be safely consumed by all ages.
Cummins diet to lose weight.
You eat four meals to contain one of the meals on a range of
vegetables and fruits, And other proteins of meat, chicken, fish, And the third
on the calcium of yogurt or milk, And the last on a small amount of
carbohydrates than grilled or boiled potatoes or bread or rice .
- Eat meals regularly.
- DRINK amount equivalent to two liters of water a day.
Before any meal, drink a cup of cumin mixture of slimming,
which is attended by mixing a cup of hot water with half teaspoon lemon and
half a teaspoon of cumin and ginger juice and leave it to become lukewarm and
thus be ready to drink.
- You'll continue to follow the diet and latency will lose
weight clearly.